“How to round up $20,000 ... $100,000 ... or yes, even $1,000,000 for your real estate deals without using your credit, past job history ... or a gun!”


Everyone's heard the old saying, “It takes money to make money.”

That's true, especially when you're talking about investing in real estate. Unless, of course, you're willing to settle for small-dollar deals. Now, when you first start out that's not a bad thing ... but ... in order to really get the money rolling in, you need some upfront money to play with.

Regardless of what some 'real estate gurus' pitch ... you're not going to buy that foreclosure in a great neighborhood for 10¢ on the dollar without putting up some kind of cash.

You're not going to pick up that luxury loft in South Beach and flip it, making God only knows how much money without having to put up money for the deposit.

And you're not going to cash in on that mega 20-unit building that brings you $10K each month like clockwork without having to put up any money.

The Shocking Facts Are:

  1. 98% of sellers will only discount their property when presented with an all-cash offer.
  2. Government repos, foreclosures and tax-seized properties bought at the auction (the real discounts) can only be purchased with cash in hand. No loans, no lines of credit ... CASH is king.
  3. You do need a ridiculously high income and a huge down payment to buy a multi-unit building - the kind that brings in tons of monthly cash flow (which actually makes being a landlord worth doing.) You see, even the average doctor's salary of $148,000 per year doesn't even qualify. So unless you're making more than that per year, you are exactly where 99% of the rest of the population is ... out of luck.

You see, the rules of the game have changed and unless you can present all-cash offers, you're going to miss the boat on a lot of super-profitable deals ... which is not a good thing.

Real Life Examples:

Here's the kind of stuff I get in my email every day ...

Hey Cody,
I tried your lead generation techniques and man, you were right! I found a house I could pick up for $120,000. Now get this ... smaller houses in the same neighborhood are going for $250,000 or more! The problem is I need the money in 5 days or I'm going to lose the deal. Please Help!!

- Brian E.

Or another one ...

You were right on the money with those sign techniques you talked about in an email. I did that on Saturday and now I have 3 deals that could net me around $200,000 for about 5 hours of work. The sad part is, no bank will give me a loan and I don't have enough cash. What should I do?

- Allen C.

I could go on and on but you get the idea ... it's crazy, isn't it?

These are good, honest people just trying to make ends meet. Heck, with today's high prices and low-paying jobs these people are being punished just because they are a little short on cash.

You and I understand these things happen ... but your banker just can't see that for some reason. And while you're trying to explain it to him, some other 'rich' investor will swoop in and steal the deal right out from under you.

Between you and me, this was bothering me so much that I didn't even feel like reading my emails anymore. I can only read about so many millions in profits being passed up by my own personal students before it really starts to wear me down.

And man, did it ever.

And I wasn't really sure what else I could do. I knew I had to find a way for my students to cash in on these properties, even though they may not have had the cash to do it. So I did what I've done in the past when I had situations similar to this - I picked up the phone and called a mentor of mine ... and asked what the heck he thought I should do.

My mentor has closed over 2,000 (TWO THOUSAND!) real estate deals nationwide ... so ... if I was going to ask anyone for advice on what to do, it was gonna be him.

I asked him what options did I have for this situation. He told me that there were really only a few I could try ...

First he suggested having my students go to the banks for money. Yeah right! I told him banks are just too slow and won't give you a dime unless you have A-1 perfect credit and the bank account of a Rockefeller. If my students had that kind of money, they wouldn't need the banks anyway! Nice try, but that wasn't gonna work.

So next he said I could suggest some of the commercial-type hard money lenders; but those guys can be just as big of a pain as the banks if your deal is anything that they could even remotely consider to be "outside the box." That would include new construction, land development, preconstruction condos, luxury waterfront homes, etc.

Not gonna fly ... I needed something better. Something that would virtually guarantee my students being able to effortlessly get any amount of money they need for their real estate deals without dealing with banks or loan hassles.

He told me if that was the case ... my only option would be to ...

Give Them The Code To Unlock The Vault!

Now, if you're an ‘insider’ you know what I mean when I say "The Code To Unlock The Vault!" If you've been in this game a while, you'll know this is top-secret information and not shared with the general public at any cost. This is the exact kind of information the greedy real estate gurus deliberately hide from you and only reveal to their best students for tens of thousands of dollars, so they can show their success stories all over TV and in print.

Why else do they insist on keeping it from you?

Because it puts everyone on the same playing field, regardless of their credit or money situation. And that creates competition ... competition the selfish professional investors don't want because that means they will actually have to work (like everyone else!) to make money!

Think about it.. having the code to unlock the vault is like someone depositing cash into your bank account that you can use for the best of the best real estate deals ... deals that put huge cash in your pockets each and every month.

Who Has The Code To Unlock The Vault ...
And What Does It Mean To You?

Well, it's not 'one person' who has the code per se ... you see, what most people don't know is that there really is a secret source of money that funds the majority of lenders, banks and private real estate deals in this country.

This secret source money is made up of a combination of old money, mega-wealthy investors, multi-millionaire doctors, high-power lawyers ... and people with "money to burn."

All these people may have different backgrounds and different careers, but they all have one thing in common - which is they command gigantic returns on their money each and every year. These people aren't willing to stick this kind of money into some bank CD or savings bond to make a lousy 3% a year.

No, these are big money players who know the biggest and fastest returns are always made in real estate, which is why they are willing to lend money on good real estate deals all over the country to achieve that goal.

Don't take it personally, but they don't care about you, your credit or your money situation. All they want is a big return on their money. And only a handful of investors in the world actually know how to tap this source for virtually unlimited funds, regardless of credit or job history or money in the bank.

So the investors that know how and where to get this cash flow have a HUGE advantage ...

The BIG Money Guys Make More Big Money... The Investor Makes Big Money Without Dealing With Traditional Lenders... And Everyone's Smiling All The Way To The Bank.

Just what you need, right? Yeah, I know ... but as you can probably tell by reading about how powerful this is ... it is also something I just wasn't going to make public without giving it some serious thought.

Anyway, after thinking this over for a few days and talking about it with a few close friends, I knew what I needed to do even though all my associates didn't want something of this magnitude public unless I was going to charge $10,000 or more for it, which would still keep most people out.

Of course I knew nothing would be easier than to charge $10,000 for this priceless information and make a few million selling it to people with a lot of money already. Think about it ... who wouldn't want to have access to CASH for all their real estate deals?

That would mean ...

  • Never again missing out on a deal.
  • Never again getting cut off by some rich, snobby investor.
  • Never again having to deal with banks and their B.S.

That's worth well over $10,000. In fact, if I had to place a dollar value on this, I would say it's worth every penny of ...


... to the smart investor who acts on this. As far as I know (and I've got some pretty deep connections) this is the only place on earth where you can get this.

And there's really also no sane reason for me to be exposing this secret.

But then I really started thinking about this ... and I said to myself, Why NOT expose this? I'm always yapping to everyone how I'm different from the other gurus because I actually care that my students succeed, and so it's time I take a big risk myself and actually

Prove It!

So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

And HERE Is What We're Exposing ...

  • Immediate access to my personal private lender portal where thousands of private lenders are waiting to fund your real estate deals (“they actually fight over funding my student's deals!”)
  • How you can get up to a $1,000,000 loan in 24 hours without ever having your credit score looked at!
  • Finally, you'll be able to go to foreclosure auctions and actually buy foreclosures for pennies on the dollar. Usually 99% of new investors get cut off from doing this by the big guys ... but now you're going to be a 1%-er!
  • How to raise upfront capital for your real estate deals. Forget about waiting to get paid after the deal ... get your money right now!
  • Who you should never borrow money from ... and it ain't the loan sharks, either. No, my friends, there are much worse choices out there ...
  • How to get private lenders begging to give you money even if you have lousy credit and don't have a job.
  • How to get a credit line of $100,000 or more even if you're self-employed and don't have an income history! This is great for new start-up investors.
  • The exact way to structure a deal that will have everyone in town trying to give you money. But do this wrong ... and you won't get a cent!
  • How to use private lenders to pay all cash for properties, even if you are broke!
  • You'll discover the exact strategy of how people who start with nothing can create a real estate empire using borrowed money. It's easier than you think ... you'll see.
  • How to use private money and make a fortune selling beautiful homes in great neighborhoods!
  • How to structure private money deals where you never have to make a monthly payment! This one is huge.
  • Why you'd be crazy to personally guarantee any loan and how you can get the same amount of money without risking your name or credit!

Exciting, huh?

You bet! I'm so worked up I can barely type the words on paper!

So Exactly What Does This Mean For You?

Everything — if you're looking for the easiest and most simple way to get mega amounts of cash for your real estate deals without dealing with banks and traditional lenders. Or if you're looking to seriously impress your family and coworkers and watch them stare with amazement when you show them the incredible upscale properties you just bought all cash! Maybe not with your cash ... but they're still your deals!

Just wait till you see their jaws drop to the floor when they wonder how in the heck you just managed to pick up 5 to 10 to 20 exclusive properties each making you a king's ransom without having to go to a single bank. You'll be a celebrity at your next family picnic this summer!

And remember, the best part is ...
  1. You don't need to use your credit to control millions of dollars worth of real estate ... whether it's a preconstruction penthouse on the beach, a 5,000 square foot country estate or even a killer foreclosure at the public auction ... you will now have the money to make these deals happen and more importantly, to collect your gigantic checks!
  2. You don't have to settle for just a few thousand dollars in profits because the 'man' is taking the rest. You're not victim to the rich anymore ... you can now play ball with the 'big dogs' and close and finance your own deals ... and yes, keep the profits to yourself for a change!
  3. And now, for the grand finale! (Drum roll, please ... ) It doesn't require you to hassle with the banks and try to convince them to give you their money ... that's not only demoralizing, but it's a waste of time. You'll never have to beg anyone ever again to finance your real estate deals! You're the only one steering this ship... and your Destination is Easy Street!

And there are tons more to share with you ... too much to list on this page, but I think you're getting the idea. This stuff is on fire, and you're getting the rare chance to learn this new discovery long before the general public even has a clue as to what you're going to be doing.

I'll tell you: you've just got to see this to believe it!

So here's the deal ... Like I said before and like I've always said, I'm going to guarantee your satisfaction here.

Right now I'm only allowing a limited number of these to be sold to the public, and I imagine that most of them will be gone by the time you've read this far. Once they're gone, I'm sorry — unless I say otherwise ... they're GONE.

And I'll tell you something else; if you miss this one, you are going to regret it for the rest of your investing life. You'll kick yourself if you let this slide by because you didn't act fast enough.

Here's How To Get In On The Action... Before It's Too Late

To get your Ultimate Private Funding Package (I've got one with your name on it!) simply click the 100% Secure Link at the bottom of this page (It's the one that says "YES, I Want Money To Fund My Deals").

After you submit your order, you'll get instant notification (usually within 3 minutes) with your access information.

The price of this amazing, completely uncensored "pre-release" set is just $127 (one-time investment). That's something like $2.23 a day, LESS than the cost of a Starbucks latte and worth a whole heck of a lot more!

That's over $9,800 off the price I should be charging, so you really and truly are getting a steal here!

Why Let This Go So Cheap?

Especially when I know I could easily get $10,000 for a seminar on this stuff ... that's a fact. I actually have two reasons ...

The first one is the people who can afford to pay $10K already have money and don't need this as much as most people do. So why not instead do something that lets people who don't have that kind of money get in on the action?

The second reason is, I've never been one to go along with Corporate America's stingy way of thinking and just hoard everything to myself - and that should apply to this as well.

I also know that after you profit from the secrets in this digital course, you'll be thrilled and eventually buy more stuff from me in the long run. So I consider this to be a smart investment for my smart students, and a total win-win situation which is just what I like and just how business should be.

This is an unbelievably incredible offer for anyone interested in quickly and easily dominating their real estate market virtually overnight. It's especially perfect for investors who don't have millions of dollars in cash lying around at any given second, and who are sick and tired of watching everyone else get rich and live the good life.

Just 10 minutes after you watch the video training, you could be on your way to closing that first (or next) big real estate deal without ever leaving the house! You get everything ... my entire Ultimate Private Money package, and potentially millions of dollars that you can use to buy & sell real estate!

It's time for you to start writing checks with other people's money, not your own. It just makes sense, and it makes the game a whole lot easier.

But like I said before ... this is a limited release ... When those are gone, you're outta luck, my friend.

So don't let this opportunity slide through your fingers. It's the "steal" of a lifetime, and filled with tons of breakthrough stuff, including an extra free bonus report that will knock your socks off!

Let's make this happen for you.

Just click the button below to add the Ultimate Private Money Package to your cart, and get to deal-making!


PS: If I don't hear from you TODAY, I'll have to release your copy to someone else. You will risk absolutely nothing and also get my special heartfelt bonus for FREE. So what are you waiting for?