The Most Powerful All-In-One Deal Automation Tool for Real Estate Investors Ever Created


Simple Automation for Busy Investors

Generate Highly Profitable Leads

Analyze Deals Like A Pro

Make Offers Automagically

Automated Your Follow Up

Close More Deals & Get Paid

Stay Organized On The Cloud


3 Reasons to Leverage Real Estate Automation



Reason #1

Capture Buyer and Seller Leads

Instant access to your own private search engine for quality real estate leads. Search for thousands of buyer, seller, and private lender leads in any area.




Reason #2

Quickly Analyze Properties

Make profitable decisions by pulling comparables, analyzing deals, and managing property repairs to determine the projected return in a single real estate investing software.




Reason #3

Create Contracts and Close the Deal

Using technology retains more profit by eliminating agent commissions, spending less time qualifying potential buyers and sellers, and buying and selling more properties.



Everything You Need in One Easy-To-Use System


To Accelerate Your Real Estate Investing Business and Give You More Time to do the Things You Love

Get Started

Real Success Stories

Michael W., Texas

If you're just getting into the business, I look at the Deal Automator as an all-in-one package. It's got everything you need to start out, and it's easy to use -- anyone who's familiar with the internet can pretty much use it.

If we would've had this type of an application back when we first got into this business, we could probably be a lot further along by now. It's really a great tool for any investor at any level.

Jaromy T., Washington

I can manage my entire business in the Deal Automator, it's awesome! It produces the websites for me, it holds all of my leads, all the notes on them, you can analyze your deals, see what kind of profit potential is on them, you can see if it's a deal or if it's a dud.

It's basically like a business in a box, it's super awesome! It saves you a ton of time and freedom... It's got the squeeze pages, auto-email templates, everything's already made for you so it's killer, I really dig it!

Norm K., Indiana

To apply automation to an investment strategy was just phenomenal to me, and when I saw it really worked, and I used it, I had no other choice but signing up.

I didn't want to have a chaotic investment, I wanted to have it structured, I wanted to have it repeatable, I wanted to have it result-driven, and this machine that Cody invented just fit that mold and that's why it was appealing to me and I signed up for it. And it proved to be right, it really works that way. It's fantastic!

Close More Deals with automation

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Instant access to leads 24/7

Deal Automator is your own private search engine and the ultimate shortcut for generating quality real estate leads fast. Search for, and download, thousands of buyer, seller, and private lender leads in your area daily.

Hands-off direct mail that converts

Single and multi-touch direct mail campaigns are just a click away. The fully integrated direct mail engine incorporates a full marketing library with tested and proven marketing campaigns comprised of highly responsive personally penned letters, handwritten font yellow letters, and postcards. Printing, stuffing, stamping, and sending the right direct mail pieces to the right people at the right times is all handled for you.

Custom websites in under 3 minutes

Eye-catching designs and professionally written copy portray you as the trusted expert in your market. SEO websites and squeeze pages include everything you need to launch your highly converting, custom real estate website in under 3 minutes with no web design or copywriting experience needed.

Automated email marketing

Initiate automated email follow up campaigns when new leads enter your system. Pre-written single-step and 10-step emails have been tested and proven to consistently engage and convert your web leads to deals.

Organize your business overnight

Use Deal Automator’s real estate CRM to add, manage, categorize, and rate buyers, sellers, and business contacts, track properties at every stage, and collaborate with team members and others involved in making deals happen. Collaborate with team members using centrally located calendar and task functions.

Analyze your deals instantly

Run a quick desktop analysis on any property you come across and know, in minutes, if there’s money to be made (or not). Simply type in the address of a property to automatically determine your projected profits, your maximum allowable offer (MAO), and what your exit strategy should be.

Estimate repairs or rehab costs

Use Deal Automator to walk through a property once, estimate line-item repairs costs, and generate a custom rehab plan in under 5 minutes … all from your iPad or cell phone. This takes all of the “guesswork” out the equation and allows you to map out your next renovation project from A-Z. No real estate experience or construction knowledge required.